Quiz Time!

Siete pronti per la domanda di oggi?

Se vorrete, potrete dare la risposta nei commenti.

La risposta giusta sarà pubblicata domani. In bocca al lupo!

Are you ready for today’s question?

If you wish, you can answer in the comments.

The correct answer will be published tomorrow. Good luck!


Gatti e topi:

Un gatto e mezzo in un minuto e mezzo mangiano un topo e mezzo. Quanti gatti servono per mangiare 60 topi in 30 minuti?

Cats and mice:

A cat and a half in a minute and a half eat a mouse and a half. How many cats do you need to eat 60 mice in 30 minutes?

La risposta al quiz di ieri: Nell’aia In un’aia vi sono conigli e polli; ma in tutto sono 100 zampe e 40 ceste. Quanti conigli e quanti polli sono?

The answer to yesterday’s quiz: In a farmyard there are rabbits and chickens; but in all there are 100 legs and 40 baskets. How many rabbits and how many chickens are there?

Chiamando x il numero dei conigli e y il numero dei polli, basta impostare il sistema:

Calling x the number of rabbits and y the number of chickens, just set the system:

x + y = 40
4x + 2y = 100
y = 30 (chickens)
x = 10 (rabbits)

7 risposte a “Quiz Time!”

  1. L’ha ripubblicato su Stroke Survivore ha commentato:

    Okay, if your head isn’t already messed up… pleasew look at this post from a blog I started following.

    Farida writes in Italian, but it is a math problem, and therefore universal. But I shall repeat her problem here:

    A cat and a half in a minute and a half eat a mouse and a half. How many cats do you need to eat 60 mice in 30 minutes?

    If you want to play, please answer on her post, as she will be posting the answer tomorrow.

    As you can see if you visit the post, I have attempted an answer, but I could well be wrong. It’s one of those times where I really miss not writing, because it’d really help to do some working out. And most of you know that my mental state (which includes my arithmetic) is… fallible!

    Piace a 1 persona

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